To mount or ascend, as by the hands and the feet; ascend with difficulty. 攀登;爬上;困难地攀爬。 He climbed up the tree. 他爬上树。 To ascend by twining. (植物)攀缘向上。 climb down (a)攀缘而下。(b)(非正式用法)承认错误。 climb [jump; get] on [aboard] the bandwagon. 【口】附和众议。 climb (up) the wall (a)【俚】【口】很生气。(b)【俚】【口】搅昏了头。 An act of mounting; also, the ascent mounted. (常用单数)攀登;爬升;攀登之高度。 This is a difficult climb. 这是很艰难的攀登。 climbing irons 冰爪(装在登山靴上的铁钉助爬器)。 n. climber. adj. climbable. |