To take to oneself. 据为己有;挪用;盗用。 He appropriates all the praise. 他将所有褒誉,均归己有。 Let no man appropriate a common benefit. 毋假公济私;不可据公益为己有。 To set apart or assign to a particular use. 拨用。 The front room is appropriated to your friend. 前室供你朋友用。 The legislature appropriated funds for the university. 议会拨款给那所大学。 to appropriate money for an enterprise 拨款给某一企业。 Fit; suitable; proper. 合宜的;适当的;正当的。 words appropriate to express our ideas 能适当表达思想的文词。 adv. appropriately. n. appropriateness. adj. appropriative. n. appropriator. |