To bring into contact with something; lay on. 使接触;敷涂。 They applied two coats of paint to the wall. 他们在墙上涂了两层漆。 To put into practice. 实施;运用。 Apply your principles to your action. 实行你的原则。 To devote to a particular purpose; fix upon. 专心于某项事物;潜心。 He applied his mind to business. 他专心于事业。 He does not apply his mind to his lessens. 他对功课不专心。 He applied himself closely to the study of English. 他专心研究英文。 Apply to the address given above. 向上述的地址申请。 to apply to a friend for information 向友人探问消息。 To have some connection. 适用;使有关系。 This does not apply to you. 这与你无关。 the rule applies to all cases 这条例适用于一切案件。 |