To give over into the hands of an enemy by treachery. 出卖;背叛。 Judas betrayed his master for thirty pieces of silver. 犹大因三十块银元而出卖其主。 To fail to be true to, through fraud or unfaithfulness. 不忠于;辜负。 My strength betrayed me. 我心有余而力不足。 To disclose, as a secret. 泄露(秘密等)。 He betrayed the news to all his friends. 他向所有的朋友泄露这项消息。 To indicate or show. 表示;显示。 His manner betrays uneasiness. 他的态度显示出不安。 His face betrayed his fear. 他的脸显示出恐惧。 n. betrayer. n. betrayal. |