Manufactured articles of metal, as cutlery, kitchen utensils, chains, hatchets, etc. 五金器具(如刀具、厨房用具、锁链、斧等)。 Major items of military or police equipment or their components. (军警的)武器和装备。 The physical components (as electronic and electrical devices) of a vehicle (as a spacecraft) or an apparatus (as a computer); also, the physical equipment of a system of transportation. 硬体(电脑或其他自动机械或外壳零件);器材;设备(火箭、飞弹或其他太空航行工具的构造设备)。 Devices (as tape recorders, phonographs, or closed-circuit television) often used as instructional equipment. 教具(如录音机、唱机、电视等)。 |