词汇 | gift |
释义 | gift /gɪft/ n. Something given or bestowed; present; donation. 赠品;礼物;捐赠。 The power to bestow. 授与权。 The position is in his gift. 授与此项职务之权在他。 Natural talent. 天赋;天才。 He has a gift for oratory. 他有演说的天才。 (过去式: gifted; 过去完成式: gifted; 现在进行式: gifting) v.t. Bestow. 赠予。 To endow with. (上天)赋予。 He is gifted with poetic genius. 他有诗才的天赋。 phrases gift of tongues 语言天才。 at a gift 白送。 by free gift 免费赠送。 look a gift horse in the mouth 挑剔别人赠送的礼物。 the gift of the gab 【口】口若县河;辩才无碍。 idoms gift certificate 赠券。 gift shop 礼品店。 gift token 【英】(赠礼用的)礼券。 adj. Gifted. (有天赋的)。 cf. A gift is something bestowed without any idea of receiving anything in return. Gift 为不图酬报的赠与。 A present is usually a gift to a friend. Present 指馈赠友人的礼物: He mailed his Christmas presents. 他寄出圣诞节礼物。 A donation is a charitable gift, of large or small value, made to some cause or person. Donation 指多少随意的捐赠,用以赞助某种善举或给与某人者: a donation to the church 捐给教堂之物。 A gratuity is a small sum given to an inferior for some service, but always as a favor, not in payment of a charge. Gratuity 指因低于自己之人所做的服务而赠与的小额赏金,常因示惠而与之,并非应付的代价: to give a gratuity to the head waiter 赏小费给侍者领班。 synonyms present, donation, gratuity. |
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