To wish, or bring, evil upon. 诅咒:咒骂。 When angry, he cursed everyone in sight. 当他生气时,他诅咒每个他见到的人。 He is cursed with a bad son. 他因为有一个坏儿子而苦不堪言。 He cursed when he hit his thumb with the hammer. 铁锤敲到指头时,他咒骂着。 A prayer for injury to come to someone. 祈求神祇降祸于人的咒语。 That which brings or causes. evil or trouble; also, the evil itself. 祸根;灾祸;祸患。 Drinking is a curse to many. 酗酒给许多人带来祸患。 Curses come home to roost. 【谚】害人反害己。 not give [care] a (tinker's) curse 【英】【俚】毫不介意、完全不理。 |