词汇 | peck |
释义 | peck /pєk/ peck 1 (过去式: pecked; 过去完成式: pecked; 现在进行式: pecking) v.t. To strike with the beak, as does a bird. 喙(如鸟啄)。 To strike with a pointed instrument, as a pick. 啄击。 To pick up with the beak. 啄拾;啄食。 The hen pecks corn. 母鸡啄食谷粒。 To eat sparingly. 吃得很少。 She pecks her food. 她只吃一点东西。 To make (a hole) by pecking. 啄洞;啄穿。 Wood peckers peck holes in trees. 啄木鸟在树上啄洞。 (过去式: pecked; 过去完成式: pecked; 现在进行式: pecking) v.i. To make strokes with the beak or a sharp instrument. 啄;啄穿。 She pecked at the typewriter keys using only two fingers. 她只用两个指头按键打字。 To pick up food with the beak. 啄食。 phrases peck at (a)慢慢地吃;慢慢地咬。(b)不断地批评;吹毛求疵。 n. A quick, sharp stroke, as with the beak. 啄;凿;啄击。 A mark made by a blow with a sharp point. 啄痕。 A quick, light kiss. 【俚】快而轻的接吻;匆忙的一吻。 idoms peck(ing) order 啄序(鸟社会组织的基本型态,其中较高阶层者可啄其下辈而无庸担忧报复);社会等级。 peck 2 n. In dry measure, one quarter of a bushel; eight quarts; also, a vessel for measuring out a peck. 配客(干量单位,等于蒲式耳(嘝)之四分之一);八夸尔(呏);容一配客之器。 A lot; a great deal. 多量;许多。 a peck of trouble 许多困难。 |
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