A great quantity or number. 巨量;大量。 An accumulation or supply kept in reserve or ready for use; stock. 储藏品;货物。 A warehouse; shop where goods are kept for sale. 仓库;堆栈。 A retail establishment where goods are regularly offered for sale. 商店。 Supplies, esp. of food, clothing, arms, etc. 必需品(尤指食物、衣服、武器等)。 set great store by (on) 重视。 To furnish or stock; equip. 供给;装备。 Store your mind with knowledge. 以知识充实心灵。 Squirrels store nuts for the winter. 松鼠储存坚果过冬。 To put, as in a warehouse for safe-keeping. 置;贮存(如置于栈房)。 The harvest has been stored. 收获业已储入仓中。 |