He made a bet that he would win. 他打赌他会赢。 That which is laid, staked, or pledged on any event or contest, the outcome of which is uncertain. 赌注;赌金。 That on which a wager is made. 被打赌的对象。 That horse is a poor bet. 那匹马不会赢。 I will bet the horse 10 dollars.= I will bet 10 dollars on the horse. 我以十元赌那匹马。 I'll bet you on it. 我要和你赌它。 bet one's boots (bottom dollar; shirt) on 【俚】拿最后的一块钱来赌;绝对有把握。 bet one's eye 作壁上观(不插手,也不打赌)。 |