Free from guilt or wrongdoing; blameless. 无罪的;无可责备的。 The jury declared him innocent. 陪审团宣判他无罪。 He is innocent of the crime. 他没犯此罪。 Pure in heart and life. 纯洁的;纯真的。 Foolishly ignorant. 愚眛无知的。 Without evil effect or intention. 无恶念的。 an innocent medicine 无害之药物。 One who is free from, or unacquainted with, sin. 无罪之人;无邪之人。 Holy Innocents' Day 【圣】无辜婴儿殉教纪念日(12月28日)。 guiltless, sinless, inoffensive. guilty, sinful, wicked, unrighteous. |