A movable fence of interwoven twigs or branches, or of iron. 可移动的栅篱(由树枝或铁条所制成)。 A fence or barrier to be leaped over in steeplechasing or in racing. (赛马或跳栏赛跑时用的)障碍物;栏。 the high (low) hurdles 高(低)栏赛跑。 A rude frame on which criminals were formerly dragged to execution. 囚车(昔用以载囚犯赴刑场)。 To cover or enclose with a fence or barrier. 用篱栅围住。 To leap over, as the barriers in a hurdle a race. 跳越(如跳栏赛跑的栏)。 Jim hurdled the first fence ahead of the other runners. 吉姆领先别的赛跑者跳过第一栏。 不要混淆 hurdle 和 hurtle。 A hurdle 围栅;障碍。to hurdle 跳越或克服(障碍)。 The horse jumped over the hurdle. 这匹马跃过栅栏。 The car hurtled down the road. 汽车疾驶过那条路。 The bicycle hurtled into the hall. 那辆脚踏车冲入大厅。 |