A tool for boring holes. 锥;钻。 A machine for sowing seeds in rows. 播种机。 Practice; correct or accustomed procedure to be followed, as in an emergency. (非正式用法)【英】练习;演练;例行步骤。 To pierce with a boring tool. 钻孔。 The carpenter drilled holes in the wood. 木匠在木头上钻孔。 To instruct thoroughly; train. 教练;训练。 Let's drill them in English pronunciation. 我们来训练他们英语发音。 drill away (on; out) 迁延;磋跎。 no names, no pack drill 姑隐其名。 A baboon of West Africa, similar to the mandrill. (西非洲的)鬼猿;黑面狒狒。 Durable twilled cotton or linen fabric. 斜纹棉(麻)布。 |