To tell, as a story; recite; narrate. 讲;叙述((to))。 The explorer related his adventures. 探险者叙述他冒险的故事。 To show a connection between. 显示其关系((to; with))。 to relate poetry and art 说明诗与艺术之关系。 Some people relate crime to poverty. 有些人认为犯罪与贫穷有关。 To establish a relation between, as by blood or marriage. (因血统或婚姻)建立亲威关系((to))。 He is closely related to my family. 他是我的近亲。 His remarks related to the topic under discussion. 他的陈述与讨论中的主题有关。 relating to 关于...(的);关系到...。 adj. related. n. relater; relator. |