A substance which, if received into the body, destroys life or health. 毒药。 A destructive influence. 摧残之势力。 One man's meat is another man's poison. 甲之良药为乙之毒药。 What is your poison? 【口】你爱喝什么? To injure or kill by poison. 毒害;毒死。 They tried to poison the king. 他们想要毒杀国王。 To fill or taint with poison. 放毒;下毒。 They poisoned his food. 他们在他的食物里下毒。 Hatred poisoned their friendship. 仇恨破坏了他们之间的友谊。 poison sb's mind against 使(某人)对...产生偏见。 |