A long and beautiful feather or tuft of feathers. (常用复数)羽毛。 A feather worn as an ornament; crest. 羽饰;羽冠。 Something like a feather in shape or lightness. 羽毛状之物;轻如鸿毛之物。 Prize, mark of honor. 奖赏;荣誉的标志。 To pick and adjust (the feathers). 整理羽毛。 A bird plumed its feathers. 一只鸟在整理它的羽毛。 To adorn with feathers or with fine clothes. 饰以羽毛;盛装。 To boast; feel proud of. 自夸;自负。 She plumes herself on her beauty. 她以美丽自负。 borrowed plumes 【古】不属于自己的外在装饰(如名誉、利益);(知识)现学现卖。 |