To reduce to, or arrange in, a class or classes. 归集一类;集于同类之下。 To make large in scope or meaning. 推广;泛论。 To derive (a general rule) from particular instances. 由特例归纳通则。 Do you know enough about today's youth to generalize that they are all selfish? 你对时下年轻人的了解够不够让断言他们都是自私的? To discover a general rule from special instances. 归纳出通则。 It's possible to generalize from all the information given to us and to make various decisions. 我们可以从所得的资料找出通则并做各种不同的决定。 To draw broad, general conclusions. 概括;一概而论。 n. generalizer. n. generalization. |