take up space
1. Literally, to fill or occupy a certain amount of volume, often specified through the use of modifiers. I really like this table, but I think it will take up too much space in the kitchen. It's a gorgeous TV, and because it's so slim, it doesn't take up a lot of space.
2. To be completely useless; that is, to do nothing but occupy space. Bill, quit taking up space and help me out here! They were handling the situation so deftly on their own that I felt like I was just taking up space.
take up space
and take up roomto fill or occupy space. (Note the variations in the examples.) The piano is taking up too much room in our living room. John, you're not being any help at all. You're just taking up space.
take up space
Also, take up room or time . See take up, def. 6.