take to (one's) heels
To flee or run away. The youths took to their heels when they heard the police officers approaching.
take to one's heels
Fig. to run away. The little boy said hello and then took to his heels. The man took to his heels to try to get to the bus stop before the bus left.
take to one's heels
Run away, as in When the burglar alarm went off they took to their heels. This expression alludes to the fact that the heels are all one sees of a fugitive running away fast. Although similar expressions turned up from Shakespeare's time on, the exact idiom dates only from the first half of the 1800s. Also see show one's heels.
take to your heels
LITERARYIf you take to your heels, you run away. He took to his heels and rushed out of the room.
take to your heels (or legs)
run away.ˌtake to your ˈheels
run away very quickly: The burglars took to their heels when they heard the police arrive. take to (one's) heels
To run away; flee.