such as
1. For example. There are a number of basic tools no home should be without, such as a hammer, screwdriver set, and adjustable wrench.
2. Like; of the same kind as. Truly generous, selfless people such as Jackie are actually pretty rare.
such as...
for example. Bill enjoys many kinds of fruit, such as apples, pears, and plums. Mary has many hobbies, such as swimming, bowling, and running.
such as
For example, as in She adores the English novels of manners, such as those by Austen and Trollope. [Late 1600s]
such as
1 for example: Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.‘I met a lot of important people in Canada.’ ‘Such as?’ (= give me an example).
2 of a kind that; like: Opportunities such as this don’t come along every day. such as
For example: rodents such as field mice and voles.