To take possession of forcibly or suddenly. 强夺;强占;霸占。 The enemy army seized the fort. 敌人军队强占了堡垒。 To take possession of by legal process. 依法律取得财产;扣押;没收;查封。 To grasp; snatch; take hold of. 捉;握;攫。 Sickness seized the traveler. 旅行者为病魔所攫。 To comprehended or understand. 理会;了解。 She was quick to seize the meaning of his words. 她很快就了解他话中的意思。 To fail to operate due to the seizing of a part. (引擎)停止运转。 seize up 【航】将(水手)的手脚绑起来(为了鞭打方便)。 be (stand) seized with 握有...。 be seized with 罹患(疾病);受(恐怖)侵袭。 adj. seizable. n. seizer. |