A forest region; wild, uncleared country. 丛林地;(澳洲)未开垦的林地。 beat around (about) the bush 旁敲侧击;说话拐弯抹角。 beat the bushes 到僻远地方寻求可利用的剩余物质;寻觅人或物。 To put out small branches thickly; grow thickly, like a bush. 生成灌木形;丛生(如丛林)。 Of an inferior class or group of its kind; unprofessional; amateurish. 同类中较低级的;不够熟练的;业余的。 A lining used to reduce friction; a bushing. 【机】(避免磨擦的)轴衬;衬套;【电】套管。 To furnish with a bushing. 装上轴衬。 |