flash across (something)
1. To move or appear quickly across something. When my headlights flashed across a deer in the middle of the road, I brought the car to a screeching halt. Fear flashed across Jason's face as he tumbled out of the tree.
2. To quickly enter one's mind. An image of my keys on the dining room table suddenly flashed across my mind, and I remembered where I'd left them.
flash across something
1. Lit. [for something bright] to move quickly across something. The telephone number flashed across the television screen too fast for me to copy it down. The spotlight flashed across the audience, blinding me as it went by.
2. Fig. [for an idea or image] to move quickly through one's mind. A solution to the problem suddenly flashed across my mind. Thoughts of food flashed across my mind, and I began to be very hungry.