(as) sober as a judge
not drunk; alert and completely sober.John's drunk? No, he's as sober as a judge.You should be sober as a judge when you drive a car.
dry someone out
to help a drunk person get sober.We had to call the doctor to help dry Mr. Franklin out.It takes time to dry out someone who has been drinking for a week.
catch up
in. to break the drug habit; to withdraw from drugs.Bruno never tried to catch up. He's just too far gone.I just know I can catch up, if I can just get through the first week.
mod. not using drugs; not involved with drugs.There's a success story. Kelly is one clean guy if I ever saw one.I've been clean for more than a month now.
cold sober
mod. sober; completely sober.Of course, I'm cold sober!He had a fine head on and wanted more than anything to be cold sober and alert.
mod. sober; no longer alcohol intoxicated.Tracy's dry, I hear.How long will Ernie stay dry?
go straight
in. to get off drugs.Ernie wanted to go straight more than anything else in the world.I'll go straight one of these days.
jober as a sudge
mod. sober. (A deliberate spoonerism on sober as a judge.)Me? I'm as jober as a sudge.What I mean to shay is that I am shertainly as jober as a sudge!
on the wagon
mod. not now drinking alcoholic liquor.How long has John been on the wagon this time?He's on the wagon again.
sober as a judge
mod. as sober (free from alcohol) as it is possible to be.Kelly—who was starched as could be— claimed to be sober as a judge.The judge was not always sober as a judge, but he could get through his court call.
sold cober
mod. sober. (A deliberate spoonerism on cold sober.)What do you mean drunk? Why, I'm sold cober.Ted is always as sold cober as the next guy.
squared up
mod. no longer taking drugs.Walter is squared up now and spends a lot of time trying to help others.Max'll never get himself squared up.
stone(-cold) sober
mod. absolutely sober.I am stone-cold sober, or I will be by morning anyway.I found the secret to being stone sober. Don't drink.
mod. off drugs; no longer addicted to drugs.I'm straight now, and I'm gonna stay that way.I'm a straight guy.See how long you can stay straight, how 'bout it?