A deceptive trick or snare; a lure. 诡计;陷阱;饵。 The man used his shop as a decoy for poor girls. 犯人以其店铺作为引诱贫女的陷阱。 A pond into which wild fowl are lured to enter for capture. 引诱野禽的水池。 The figure of a bird used to attract live birds within gunshot. 媒鸟(假鸟,用以诱飞禽至枪弹射程内)。 A person who entices another into a position where he may be cheated. 引人受骗者。 To lead or draw into danger by a trick; entice. 饵诱;诱陷;引诱。 They decoyed him into a dark street, where they robbed him. 他们引诱他到黑暗的街道,在那儿抢劫他。 To be decoyed, be lured by a decoy. 受陷阱的诱陷。 |