euphemism To be or feel drunk. Jonathan took me on a tour of the local pubs, and pretty soon I was feeling no pain.
feeling no pain
numbed by alcohol and feeling nothing; intoxicated. She fell off the wagon and is feeling no pain.He drank the whole thing, and he's feeling no pain.
feel no pain
Be intoxicated, as in After six beers he was feeling no pain. This expression alludes to being oblivious to pain because of the consumption of a large amount of liquor. [Slang; mid-1900s]
feel no pain
be insensible from drinking alcohol. informal
feeling no pain
1. mod. numbed by alcohol and feeling nothing; alcohol intoxicated. He drank the whole thing, and he’s feeling no pain.
2. mod. feeling nothing; dead. Your aunt is feeling no pain now. She slipped away before dawn.