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词汇 can
n. a breast. (Use caution with the topic. Usually plural.)
Man, look at the cans on that dame!Those cans can't be real!
n. the buttocks.
The guy slipped on the ice and fell on his can.Look at the can on that guy!
Theme: CARS
n. a car.
That's a good-looking can he's driving.Please don't park your old can in front of my house.
tr. to dismiss someone from employment.
The jerk canned everybody who played a part in the gag.I'll can anybody who tries a stunt like that again.
n. a measurement of marijuana.
How much do you want for a can?A can is too much except for a party.
Theme: HEAD
n. the head.
What do you have in your can, anyway? Lard?Jerry landed one on Frank's can. Frank crumpled.
Theme: JAIL
n. jail. (Usually with the.)
I had to spend the night in the can, but it wasn't too bad.You've seen one can, you've seen 'em all.
n. toilet.
Hell, I ain't tired! Where's the can?I gotta use the can before we leave.
1. noun
a jail or prison US, 1912.
a toilet; a bathroom or water closet US, 1914.
the buttocks US, 1914.
an imprecise amount of marijuana, usually one or two ounces. Derived from the practice in the 1940s of selling marijuana in Prince Albert tobacco cans US, 1967.
one ounce of marijuana. Probably from a pipe tobacco container, possibly a shortening of 'cannabis' US, 1959.
marijuana. Probably a shortening of 'cannabis' but possibly from 'can' (a measured amount of cannabis) UK, 1986.
a Saracen armoured-car UK, 1995.
a railway tank carriage US, 1946.
a car US, 1970.
a safe US, 1949.
in electric line work, an overhead transformer US, 1980.
in drag racing, nitromethane fuel US, 1968. in the cannot trying to win US, 1951
2. verb
to discharge someone from employment US, 1908.
to stop something, to cease something US, 1906
idiomcana can of wormswhen one situation or problem causes or makes you think of many other related situations or problems, especially when they will be difficult or complicated to deal with:Then we come to the question of equal opportunity, which opens a whole new can of worms.The term 'rationality' is a can of worms: whole books have been written about what rationality is. I didn't know any of these problems existed - we've really taken the lid off a can of worms, haven't we?carry the canto accept responsibility for something that has gone wrongoften used in business and politics:When the company makes an unpopular decision, it's always the middle managers who are left to carry the can. Why should the house buyer carry the can and pay for it, if the expert fails to notice the house is sinking?in the canready if a job, an arrangement, or piece of work, especially a film, is in the can, it is finished or made:Weller already has half a new album in the can.I want to make sure I've got my grant in the can before I accept the place at college.We've got a 45-minute show and six half-hour episodes already in the can.

can (someone)

To summarily dismiss or oust someone from employment; to fire someone. Management promptly canned the new accountant after his miscalculation cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. They'll can me if they ever find out I came into work drunk yesterday.


1. n. the head. Jerry landed one on Frank’s can. Frank crumpled.
2. n. toilet. Restroom? Hell, I ain’t tired! Where’s the can?
3. n. the buttocks. (see also bucket.) The guy slipped on the ice and fell on his can.
4. n. jail. (Usually with the.) I had to spend the night in the can, but it wasn’t too bad.
5. tv. to dismiss someone from employment. The jerk canned everybody who played a part in the gag.
6. n. a car. That’s a good-looking can he’s driving.
7.  Go to cans.
8. n. a breast. (Usually objectionable. Usually plural.) Man, look at the cans on that dame!
9. n. a measurement of marijuana. (Drugs.) How much do you want for a can?


/could do without
To prefer not to experience or deal with: I could do without their complaints.
  • (as) happy as can be
  • (Can I) buy you a drink?
  • (Can I) get you something (to drink)?
  • (Can I) give you a lift?
  • (I) can too
  • (I) can't rightly say
  • (I) can't say as I do(, can't say as I don't)
  • (I) can't say for sure
  • (I) can't say that I do
  • (I) can't say that I have
  • (I) can't thank you enough
  • (one) can do worse
  • (one) can hardly believe (one's) eyes
  • (one) can scarcely believe (one's) eyes
  • (one) can whistle for it
  • (one) can't beat (something)
  • (one) can't beat that
  • (one) can't believe (one's) ears
  • (one) can't take (someone) anywhere
  • (one) can't wait
  • (one) can't win
  • (one) can't win for losing
  • (one) could do worse
  • (one) might do worse
  • (someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
  • (someone) could sell ice to Eskimos
  • (someone) could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
  • (you) can't fight city hall
  • (you) can't get there from here
  • (you) can't take it with you (when you go)
  • (you) can't win them all
  • a can of corn
  • a can of worms
  • a cat can look at a king
  • a game that two can play
  • A golden key can open any door
  • a kick at the can
  • a leopard can't change his spots
  • a leopard can't change its spots
  • a man cannot serve two masters
  • a mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • an offer (one) can't refuse
  • any fool can/could...
  • any fool could (do something)
  • anything can happen
  • anything can/might happen
  • Appearances can be deceiving
  • as best (one) can
  • as best one can
  • as best you can
  • as far as I can see
  • as far as the eye can see
  • as far as the eye can/could see
  • as fast as (one's) legs can carry (one)
  • as fast as your legs can carry you
  • as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
  • as much as somebody can/could do to do something
  • be all (one) could do (not) to (do something)
  • be all somebody can/could do to do something
  • before (one) can blink
  • before (one) can say Jack Robinson
  • before you can say "knife"
  • before you can say (something)
  • before you can say Jack Robinson
  • before you can say knife
  • Beggars can't be choosers
  • believe one's own eyes, one cannot
  • bet on it
  • bet one’s bottom dollar
  • bet one's bottom dollar, one can
  • bet your bottom dollar
  • better mousetrap, (if one can) build a
  • bite off more than (one) can chew
  • bite off more than can chew
  • bite off more than one can chew
  • bite off more than one can chew, to
  • bite off more than you can chew
  • blood from a stone/turnip, one can't get
  • booze can
  • burn the candle at both ends, to (you can't)
  • call one's own
  • can
  • can (do something) on (one's) ear
  • can (just) whistle for (something)
  • can (someone)
  • can barely hear (oneself) think
  • can but
  • can carry a tune
  • can count on the fingers of one hand
  • can do
  • can do something standing on your head
  • can do with
  • can drive a truck through something
  • can hardly hear (oneself) think
  • Can I be excused?
  • Can I call you?
  • Can I come in?
  • Can I get by, please?
  • Can I have (one) call you?
  • Can I have a lift?
  • Can I have a word with you?
  • Can I help you?
  • Can I join you?
  • Can I leave a message?
  • Can I see you again?
  • Can I see you in my office?
  • Can I speak to (one)?
  • Can I speak to ? Go to Could I speak to
  • Can I take a message?
  • Can I take your order?
  • Can I tell (one) who's calling?
  • Can I use your powder room?
  • can it
  • Can it!
  • can kiss (something) goodbye
  • can of corn
  • can of worms
  • can of worms, it's a/like opening a
  • can see (from) a mile off
  • can take (something) to the bank
  • can take it to the bank
  • can talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey
  • can talk the legs off an iron pot
  • can talk under water
  • can too
  • Can we continue this later?
  • can whistle for
  • can you beat it/that?
  • Can you excuse us, please?
  • Can you hold?
  • can you imagine
  • Can you imagine?
  • Can you keep a secret?
  • can/could teach/tell somebody a thing or two
  • can’t find one’s butt with both hands
  • can’t find one’s butt with both hands in broad daylight
  • can’t hit the broad side of a barn
  • can’t hit the side of a barn
  • can’t win em all
  • can’t win them all
  • can-do
  • cannot choose but
  • cannot help but
  • cans
  • can-shaker
  • can't
  • can't (do something) for nuts
  • can't (do something) for toffee
  • can't (do something) to save (one's) life
  • can't argue with that
  • can't be arsed
  • can't be bad
  • can't be bothered
  • can't be doing with (something)
  • can't be doing with something
  • can't be helped. and couldn't be helped
  • can't be in two places at once
  • can't bear to think about (something)
  • can't beat that
  • can't boil an egg
  • can't but
  • can't call (one's) soul (one's) own
  • can't call (one's) time (one's) own
  • can't call one's soul one's own
  • can't call soul own
  • can't carry a tune
  • can't complain
  • can't complain. and nothing to complain about
  • can't cut the mustard
  • can't do anything with
  • can't do anything with (someone or something)
  • can't do something for toffee
  • can't do something to save your life
  • can't even
  • can't fight city hall
  • can't fight City Hall, one/you/they
  • can't find (one's) butt with both hands
  • can't find (one's) butt with both hands in broad daylight
  • can't find butt with both hands
  • can't for the life of me
  • can't get (something) for love or money
  • can't get enough (of something)
  • can't get over (something)
  • can't get over something
  • can't get there from here
  • can't go on
  • can't hack it
  • can't have it both ways
  • can't hear (oneself) think
  • can't hear yourself think
  • can't help
  • can't help (doing something)
  • can't help but (do something)
  • can't help but do
  • can't help but notice (that) (something)
  • can't help it
  • can't help noticing (that) (something)
  • can't help something
  • can't hit the (broad) side of a barn
  • can't hit the broad side of a barn
  • can't hit the side of a barn
  • can't hold (one's) drink
  • can't hold a candle to
  • can't hold a candle to (someone or something)
  • can't hold a candle to someone/something
  • can't hold it (in)
  • can't keep (one's) eyes off (of) (someone or something)
  • can't keep (one's) hands off (someone)
  • can't live with them, can't live without them
  • can't make a silk purse (out) of a sow's ear
  • can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
  • can't make anything out (of something)
  • can't make head nor tail of (someone or something)
  • can't make head or tail of
  • can't make head or/nor tail of something
  • can't make heads nor tails of (someone or something)
  • can't make heads or tails (out) of (someone or something)
  • can't make heads or tails of
  • can't nail (something) down
  • can't punch (one's) way out of a paper bag
  • can't punch one's way out of a paper bag
  • can't put a name to (someone)
  • can't rightly say
  • can't say as I do
  • can't say boo to a goose
  • can't say fairer than that
  • can't say for sure
  • can't say that I do
  • can't say that I have
  • can't see (any) further than the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see (one's) hand in front of (one's) face
  • can't see a hole in a ladder
  • can't see beyond the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see beyond the end of one's nose
  • can't see farther than (one's) nose
  • can't see farther than the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see further than (the end of) (one's) (own) nose
  • can't see hand in front of face
  • can't see past the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see straight
  • can't see the forest for the trees
  • can't see the forest/wood(s) for the trees
  • can't see the wood for the trees
  • can't seem to
  • can't stand
  • can't stand (someone or something)
  • can't stand the pace
  • can't stand the sight of (someone or something)
  • can't stomach (something)
  • can't take (one's) eyes off (of) (someone or something)
  • can't take it with you
  • can't take your eyes off someone/something
  • can't thank you enough
  • can't think straight
  • can't very well (do something)
  • can't wait
  • can't win them all
  • can't/couldn't very well do something
  • carry the can
  • cat can look at a king
  • catch as catch can
  • catch more flies with honey than vinegar, one can
  • catch-as-catch-can
  • Come back when you can stay longer
  • could (do something) standing on (one's) head
  • could do with (something)
  • could do without (something)
  • could drive a truck through (something)
  • could hear a pin drop
  • Could I help you?
  • Could I leave a message?
  • Could I see you again?
  • Could I see you in my office?
  • Could I speak to?
  • Could I take a message?
  • Could I take your order?
  • Could I tell him who's calling?
  • Could I use your powder room?
  • could talk under water
  • could teach (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • could tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • Could we continue this later?
  • Could you excuse us, please?
  • Could you hold?
  • Could you keep a secret?
  • could/can do without something
  • couldn't carry a note in a bucket
  • devil can quote Scripture for his own purpose
  • doesn't hold a candle
  • don't judge a book by its cover
  • don't make a threat you cannot carry out
  • don't make threats you cannot carry out
  • even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while
  • faster than you can say Jack Robinson
  • feel for
  • for England
  • from can see to can't see
  • game that two can play
  • game that two can play, that's a
  • get a can on
  • get the ax
  • get the can
  • GI can
  • give (someone) the can
  • happy as a clam
  • have (one's) cake and eat it (too)
  • have it both ways
  • he/she can talk/eat, etc. for England
  • hear a pin drop, can
  • hear oneself think, can't
  • hold a candle to, cannot/not fit to
  • How (something) can you be?
  • How (something) can you get?
  • How can I help you?
  • How can I serve you?
  • how can you sleep at night
  • how can/could you!
  • how could you
  • How may I help you?
  • how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you get?
  • I (can) promise you
  • I can accept that
  • I can live with that
  • I can tell you
  • I can't accept that
  • I can't believe it/that/this
  • I can't believe!
  • I can't even
  • I can't get over
  • I can't understand (it)
  • I don't understand
  • I, he, etc. can't wait
  • I, you, etc. can't take somebody anywhere
  • I, you, etc. can't win
  • if (one) can help it
  • if anything can go wrong, it will
  • If you can’t stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen
  • if you can't be good, be careful
  • if you can't beat 'em
  • if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
  • If you can't beat them, join them
  • if you can't do the time, don't do the crime
  • if you can't stand the heat
  • if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
  • if you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen
  • in the can
  • it can't be helped
  • it's all (one) can do (to do something)
  • judge a book by its cover, one can't
  • keep no more cats than can catch mice
  • kick the can down the road
  • like a can of corn
  • like it or lump it
  • live out
  • live out of cans
  • look who's talking
  • make nothing of
  • man cannot live by bread alone
  • money can't buy happiness
  • more (something) than you can shake a stick at
  • more than (one) can bear
  • more than (one) can endure
  • more than flesh and blood can bear
  • more than flesh and blood can endure
  • more than flesh and blood can stand
  • more than flesh and blood can stand, endure, etc.
  • more than one can bear
  • more than one can shake a stick at
  • more than you can (ever) know
  • more than you can shake a stick at
  • more things than you can shake a stick at
  • more... than you can shake a stick at
  • need (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • neither can (one)
  • Neither can I
  • never make a threat you cannot carry out
  • never make threats you cannot carry out
  • Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • nice work if you can get it
  • no can do
  • No can do!
  • No man can serve two masters
  • not agree with (someone or something)
  • not bear the sight of (someone or something)
  • not get a word in edgeways
  • not hold (one's) liquor
  • not if I can help it
  • not if one can help it
  • not miss (something) for the world
  • not miss a trick
  • not miss much
  • not put (one's) finger on (something)
  • not put (something) past (one)
  • not put a foot wrong
  • not say boo to a fly
  • not show (one's) face
  • not stand in (someone's or something's) way
  • not stand the sight of (someone or something)
  • not trust (someone) as far as (one) can throw (them)
  • not trust (someone) farther than (one) can throw (them)
  • not trust someone as far as one can throw him/her
  • not trust someone as far as you can throw them
  • nothing to complain about
  • one bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • one bad apple spoils the (whole) bunch
  • one bad apple spoils the (whole) bushel
  • only Nixon could go to China
  • open (up) a can of worms
  • open up a can of worms
  • pigs can fly
  • piss or get off the can
  • put (one's) finger on (something)
  • put off
  • quicker than you can say Jack Robinson
  • run before you can walk
  • see no further than the end of nose
  • so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • so bad one can taste it
  • so quiet you could hear a pin drop
  • so still you could hear a pin drop
  • spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, the
  • stand to lose (something)
  • stand up against (someone or something)
  • take it from me
  • take it from me, (you can)
  • take it or leave it
  • talk the talk and walk the walk
  • teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to
  • tell (one) what (one) can do with (something)
  • tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • that's a game that two can play
  • the devil can quote scripture for his own purpose
  • the least (one) can do
  • the least (one) could do
  • the least you can/could do
  • this is why we can't have nice things
  • Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
  • Those who can, do; those who can't, teach
  • those who can't do, teach
  • tomato can
  • two can play at that game
  • two can play that game
  • Two can play this game
  • walk before you can run
  • want (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • We must learn to walk before we can run
  • we, you, he, etc. can/could/might do worse
  • What can I do for you?
  • What can I do you for?
  • What can I say?
  • What can I tell you?
  • What can you expect?
  • What can't be cured must be endured
  • What else can I do for you?
  • What more can I do?
  • What you don't know won't hurt you
  • when pigs can fly
  • Where can I wash up?
  • Who can say?
  • Who can tell?
  • Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free?
  • wild horses couldn't drag (one) to (something)
  • wild horses couldn't drag (something) from (one)
  • you (can) bet your (sweet) bippy
  • you (can) bet your (sweet) life
  • you (can) bet your (sweet) life)
  • you (can) bet your boots
  • You can bet the farm
  • you can bet your boots
  • You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
  • you can dish it out, but you can't take it
  • you can dispense with (something)
  • you can have too much of a good thing
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
  • you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • you can never tell with (someone or something)
  • you can run, but you can't hide
  • you can say that again
  • You can say that again!
  • you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
  • you can take/lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • you can talk
  • you can/can't talk
  • You can’t dance at two weddings
  • You can’t fight city hall




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