rank someone (out)
1. Sl. to annoy someone. He really ranks me out. What a pest!
2. Sl. to chastise someone. She ranked him out for being a coward. I ranked out the whole gang, but good!
tv. to give someone a hard time; to hassle someone. (Possible from pull rank = use rank to dominate someone.) Stop ranking me!
See:- break rank
- break ranks
- close ranks
- come up through the ranks
- come up/rise through the ranks
- join the ranks (of something)
- pull rank
- pull rank (on one)
- pull rank, to
- rank
- rank above
- rank above (someone or something)
- rank among
- rank among (someone or something)
- rank and file
- rank and file, the
- rank as
- rank as (something)
- rank below (someone or something)
- rank higher than (one)
- rank on
- rank on (someone or something)
- rank on someone
- rank out
- rank someone
- rank someone out
- rank with
- rank with (someone or something)
- rise from the ranks
- rise through the ranks
- risen from/through the ranks