Possible to practice or perform; feasible. 可实行的。 Capable of being used. 可应用的。 Practicable, practical. These words mean capable of being put to use or put into practice. Practicable、practical。两个字都意谓“可用的或可行的”。 Practicable applies to what has been proposed and seems feasible but has not been actually tested in use.Practical applies to things and to persons and implies proven success in meeting the demands made by actual living or use. Practicable 用于指已被提议而且似乎可实行,可是还未真正地付诸实施的事物; practical 既指事物也指人,暗示在实际生活或应用上已证实有效。 adv. practicably. n. practicability; practicableness. |