To construct; build; set up. 【正】建筑;建设;建立。 The town will erect a monument to its war heroes. 这小城将为战场立功的人竖立一个纪念碑。 To raise to an upright position. 使直立;竖直。 The flagpole toppled over and a crane had to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒下了,必须用起重机将它扶直。 to erect a new government 创设新政府。 To become distended and rigid, as erectile tissue. 使紧张;勃起(如勃起组织)。 Upright; firmly uplifted. 竖立的;正直的。 adj. erective. adv. erectly. n. erectness. n. erector. |