Judgment; sentence. 判决;定罪。 The judge pronounced the murder's doom. 法官宣判杀人犯的罪刑。 Destiny which cannot be changed. 命运;劫数。 The Last Judgment. 【宗】最后(末日)审判。 pronounce sb's doom 宣告罪行;注定某人不幸。 till the crack of doom 直到世界末日。 To pronounce condemnation upon. 定罪;定刑。 This judge doomed him to death. 法官判他死刑。 To cause to experience or suffer something unavoidable and unpleasant, such as death or destruction. 注定(受灾祸)。 He is doomed to failure. 他注定要失败。 verdict, condemnation, lot. |