To permit entry (as to a place, fellowship, or privilege) (to; into). 准许进入;获准通过。 The ticket admits you into the movie theater. 凭此票入电影院。 To allow in argument; concede as true. 认可(理由之成立);认为真实。 To acknowledge; confess. 承认;供认。 To have space or room for. 容纳。 a bridge broad enough to admit two vehicles abreast 宽度足容二车并列而行的桥。 To give entrance or access. 通入;通往。 The door admitted to the kitchen. 这门通往厨房。 To make acknowledgment. 承认。 He admitted to having stolen the car. 他承认偷了汽车。 To be capable of; allow (of). 容许。 The word admits of no other meaning. 此字不容他义。 own, acknowledge, suffer, tolerate. |