One that lays (as a workman who lays bricks or a hen that lays eggs). 铺设者;砌砖工人;产卵之母鸡。 One thickness, course, or fold laid or laying over or under another. 垫层;涂层。 A runner, or long shoot, of a plant, which develops roots when partly covered with earth. (园艺)压条。 A plant developed by layering. 用压条法长出的植物。 To propagate (a plant) by means of layers. 以压条法繁殖。 To separate into layers. 分层。 To form out of superimposed layers. 层层堆积。 Of a plant: to form roots where a stem comes in contact with the ground. 【植】自茎部与地面接触点长出根来。 layer cake 夹心蛋糕(蛋糕层中夹入果酱、奶油等作成)。 |