The act of beating another. 殴打。 A number of large guns with their accompaniment of officers, men, and equipment, for field operations; also, the guns of a battleship. 【军】炮兵连;军舰之大炮。 Any raised work where guns are mounted and gunners protected. 炮台。 An apparatus for producing electricity. 【电】电池;电瓶。 Group of related things or persons working together. 一组东西;一起工作的一群人。 The pitcher and the catcher together. (棒球)投手与捕手的搭挡。 A line of small boxes in which hens are kept and specially treated so that they will grow fast and lay eggs frequently. 养鸡房(使鸡快速生长和下蛋的一排小隔间)。 assault and battery 【法律】人身伤害。 turn sb's battery against sb 利对方的理论反驳对方;以子之矛攻子盾。 |