To compare in order to show unlikeness. 对比;对照。 Contrast Keats's poetry with Dylan Thomas's. 比较济慈和狄伦.汤玛士的诗。 To be very different, as shown by comparison. (因比较而)形成对照。 This white peak contrasts finely with the blue sky. 雪白山峰与蓝天相映成趣。 The act of contrasting; opposition or striking difference of qualities shown by comparison. 对比;对照;(因比较而得的)差别。 There is a wonderful contrast between man and brute. 人兽之间有显著之差别。 The contrast between the ideas is remarkable. 二意见之间的差异很明显。 The thing or quality showing such difference. 对照物。 Relative difference between the light and dark portions of a picture. (画面、图片等)明暗的对比差异。 |