All that which is contained, as in a vessel, bundle, book, etc. [~s] 内容;容纳之物(如瓶、包、书中者)。 the contents of a bag 袋中所装之物。 The subject matter or meaning, as of a sermon or thesis. (可数,常用复数)主旨;意义(如传道或论文的主旨)。 The quantity or amount contained. 容量;含量。 A part, element, or complex of parts. 成分;要素。 Satisfied with one's lot, whatever it is; easy of mind and heart. 知足的;满足的;身心泰然的。 They are well content. 他们都心满意足。 Willing: assenting. 愿意的;同意的。 I am well content to remain here. 我愿意留在这儿。 To satisfy; gratify; appease. 使满足;使满意;使安静。 As there's no butter we must content ourselves [be satisfied] with dry bread. 既然没有奶油,我们也只好光吃干面包。 Ease of mind and heart; satisfaction. 身心泰然;满足。 Content brings him happiness. 知足使他常乐。 The cause of such satisfaction. 满足之因。 |