A son or daughter; offspring. 儿;女;子孙。 How many children do you have? 你有几个小孩? An unborn or recently born person. 胎儿;婴儿。 A very young person. 儿童;少年。 a child of Abraham 亚伯拉罕的后裔。 Anything regarded as offspring. 产物;产品。 a child of the desert 沙漠产物。 This book is the child of her brain. 此书是她智慧的产物。 The child is father of the man. 【谚】孩童是成人之父;人的个性脱化自孩提时代影响。 child of fortune. 幸运儿;天之骄子。 child's play 轻而易举的事;无谓的小事。 child wife 非常年轻的妻子(相当于老夫少妻)。 |