hack apart
1. To cut something into pieces with clumsy strokes or whacks. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hack" and "apart." Quit hacking apart the roast and just let Dad cut it, will you?
2. To criticize or reproach someone or something in a severe and merciless manner. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hack" and "apart." The reviews absolutely hacked apart the sequel, but I don't think it was that bad. I heard the boss hacking Jack apart for his handling of the Jefferson account.
hack someone or something apart
1. Lit. to chop up someone or something. The murderer hacked the victim apart. He hacked apart the victim. The butcher hacked the chicken apart.
2. Fig. to criticize someone or something severely. The review just hacked him apart for his poor showing in the play. The critic hacked apart all the actors in the play.