词汇 | scratch |
释义 | scratch /skratʃ/ (过去式: scratched; 过去完成式: scratched; 现在进行式: scratching; 第三人称单数: scratches) v.t. To mark, or tear the surface of, with something rough or pointed, as with a pin. (用粗物或尖物)刮破;抓破;抓伤。 Be careful of the cat! He'll scratch you! 小心那只猫,他会抓伤你。 To cancel, erase, or strike out, as by drawing a line through. 注销;划掉。 Scratch her name from the list. 把她的名字从名册上划掉。 To withdraw (an entry) from competition. 退出比赛。 To scrape or rub lightly, as with the nails, to relieve itching. 轻轻抓搔以止痒。 To gather by hard work or parsimony. 以勤俭积蓄。 to scratch up a little money 刻苦而小有积蓄。 To tear or dig with the nails or claws. (用指甲、爪)撕或掘。 The child scratched a hole in the ground. 这小孩在地上掘了一个洞。 To rub on a rough surface. (在粗糙表面上)磨;划。 He scratched a match on his boot heel. 他在靴跟上划了一根火柴。 v.i. To use the nails or claws in rubbing, tearing, or digging. 以指爪抓、撕或挖。 To cause irritation or pain by rubbing. 擦痛。 The collar scratches. 衣领会擦痛脖子。 To save money by great effort or parsimony. 以勤俭积财。 To rub the head or body to relieve itching. 搔痒。 Itching makes one want to scratch. 痒得使人想去抓它。 To make a scraping noise. 发出嘎嘎声。 Her finger-nails scratched against the blackboard. 她的指甲刮过黑板发出尖锐的声音。 To withdraw from a contest. 退出比赛。 phrases scratch about for 东挖西掘(寻找)。 scratch along 【口】勉强度日。 scratch (sb) where (he) itches 搔其痒处。 scratch a ticket 【美】将选票上列名之候选人删去一人或数人;拒绝支持党或一派之全体候选人。 scratch from (使)退出(比赛)。 Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 【谚】你帮我我也会帮你;我们互助互惠。 scratch one's head 【口】搔头(显得很困惑,不知如何回答或怎么做)。 scratch out 涂掉。 scratch the surface 对...仅有肤浅之认识;仅学到(抓到)皮毛。 scratch together 一点一滴地聚积。 scratch up (以指甲、爪等)挖寻;搜寻。 (复数: scratches) n. A mark or tear made by something pointed or rough. 抓痕;撕痕。 A slight wound or cut, as that made by a pin. 危伤(如针刺伤)。 I received a mere scratch. 我仅受轻伤而已。 Scrawl; scribble. 潦草书写;乱写。 The sound made by scratching. 抓搔的声音。 A test or proof of courage. 勇气之试验。 He came up to the scratch. 他面对挑战。 The starting line in a race. (赛跑之)起跑线。 A contestant who has been withdrawn from the running. 被除名的选手。 A shot that scores by chance; fluke. (撞球)偶然击中。 Money; funds. 【俚】钱。 phrases a scratch of the pen 随手写的几个字;签字。 by scratch of the pen 流畅地;轻易地。 come up scratch 勇敢面对;准备开始。 from scratch 从出发点;从一无基础的情况;从头开始。 on scratch 时间正好。 up to scratch 够水准;情况良好。 without a scratch 安然。 adj. In sports, made or done by chance; accidental. (游戏中)偶然形成的;意外的。 a scratch shot 偶然的击中。 Assembled at random; haphazard. 随机集合的;偶然的。 a scratch team 临时凑合之一队。 idoms scratch hit 【体】(棒球)(很勉强之)触击。 scratch line 起跑线;(跳远之)起跳线;标枪投掷线。 scratch man 比赛时让别人之人。 scratch pack 仓促凑成之队伍。 scratch pad 备忘簿。 scratch paper 便条纸。 scratch race 对参加者的资格无限制之竞赛。 scratch sheet 【俚】记录退出比赛之马合有关赛马消息之刊物。 scratch test 过敏性测验。 scratch wig 仅覆盖头部之一部分的假发。 derivatives n. scratcher. |
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