An ornamental border of hanging cords, etc. 穗;须边。 Any border or edging like a fringe, as hair on a person's forehead. 似穗须之物(如额头的刘海)。 Asia Minor was bordered by a fringe of Greek colonies. 希腊殖民地如须边般点缀于小亚细亚之周边。 Light or dark band of light produced by interference or diffraction. 由光波干涉或绕射所产生的深浅光纹。 To border with, or as with, a fringe. 以繸镶边。 grass that fringes the banks of the stream 沿溪边而生的草。 fringe benefit(s) 劳工福利(薪金以外的特别待遇)。 |