cheer someone on
to give words or shouts of encouragement to someone who is trying to do something.John was leading in the race, and the whole crowd was cheering him on.Sally was doing so well in her performance that I wanted to cheer her on.
egg someone on
to encourage, urge, or dare someone to continue doing something, usually something unwise.John wouldn't have done the dangerous experiment if his brother hadn't egged him on.The two boys kept throwing stones because the other children were egging them on.
root for someone or something
to cheer and encourage someone or something. (Informal.)Are you rooting for anyone in particular, or are you just shouting because you're excited?I'm rooting for the home team.
Go for it!
exclam. “Do it!”; “Try it!”Go for it! Give it a try!It looked like something I wanted to do, so I decided to go for it.
Keep the faith (baby)!
exclam. a statement of general encouragement or solidarity.You said it! Keep the faith, baby!Keep the faith! See ya later.
kick in the (seat of the) pants and kick in the ass; kick in the butt; kick in the teeth
n. a strong message of encouragement or demand. (Use ass and butt with discretion.)All he needs is a kick in the seat of the pants to get him going.A kick in the butt will get her moving.
Now you're talking!
exclam. “What you are saying is making sense!”Now you're talking! You've got a great idea!“Now you're talking!” said the coach when I told him I was going to win.
Party on!
exclam. “That's right!”Party on, Beavis! You are totally right!Party on, Waldo! You said it!
pep talk
n. an informal speech of encouragement.The coach gave the team a good pep talk, but they lost anyway.The pep talk grew into a real gripe session.
shot in the arm
n. a boost or act of encouragement.The pep talk was a real shot in the arm for all the guys.The good test grade was a shot in the arm for Gary.
n. extra encouragement, usually in the form of money.Money makes the best sweetener around.Let me add a little sweetener, and we'll see if he goes for it.
exclam. “That is the way to do it.” (Said to a boy or man.)Come on, Chuck. That-a-boy!That-a-boy, Chuck. You can do it!
That's the ticket!
exclam. “That is exactly what is needed!”Good! That's the ticket! Now you're cooking with gas.That's the ticket! Perfect!
(That's the) way to go!
exclam. “Nicely done!”Way to go, Charlie!That's the way to go! You did it!
There you go.
sent. “Hooray! You did it right!” (Usually There you go!)There you go! That's the way!Good shot, Chuck! There ya go!
up and at them and up an' at 'em; up an' Adam
phr. to get up and go at people or things; to get active and get busy. (“Adam” is a misunderstanding of “at 'em.”)Come on, you guys! Up and at 'em! Can't sleep all day.Up an' Adam! The sun is shining.