make fun of (someone or something)
To mock or direct insults at someone or something. You can make fun of me all you want, but I love these shoes. Please stop making fun of the movie. You don't have to sit here and watch it, you know.
make fun of someone or something
to ridicule someone or something. Are you making fun of me? I am making fun of your hat.
make fun of
Also, poke fun at; make sport of. Mock, ridicule, as in The girls made fun of Mary's shoes, or They poked fun at Willie's haircut, or I wish you wouldn't make sport of the new boy. The first term dates from the early 1700s, the second from the mid-1800s, and the third from the early 1500s.
make ˈfun of somebody/something
(also poke ˈfun at somebody/something) make unkind remarks or jokes about somebody: People enjoy making fun of the clothes I wear, though they seem all right to me.It’s a programme that likes to poke fun at the royal family. make fun of
To mock; ridicule.