easy on the eye
Attractive. The phrase is more frequently seen as "easy on the eyes." A: "He's easy on the eye, isn't he?" B: "Of course he is, he's a model!"
easy on the eye(s)
Attractive or aesthetically pleasing. A: "He's easy on the eyes, isn't he?" B: "Of course he is, he's a model!" This painting is so easy on the eye. It will be wonderful to wake up to every morning.
easy on the eyes
Also, easy to look at. Attractive, beautiful, as in That model is definitely easy on the eyes. [Colloquial; c. 1900]
easy on the eye (or ear)
pleasant to look at (or listen to). informal Easy on the eye originated in the late 19th century as a US expression describing a pretty woman, a context in which it is still often used.