Gratification or humoring. 放纵;纵容;迁就。 The act of yielding to or gratifying one's own desires. 随心所欲;纵容自己。 indulgence in laziness 耽于怠惰。 The thing indulged in. 耽溺的事物;嗜好。 Chocolate is his only indulgence. 巧克力是他唯一的嗜好。 In the Roman Catholic Church, remission of punishment due for sin. 天主教会的赦罪;刑罚之赦免。 An extension of time to make payment. 【商】延长付款期限。 the Declaration of Indulgence 【英】【使】信教自由令(于一六七二年 Charles II,一六八七年 James II 所颁布的)。 |