duke it out
1. To physically fight someone. Watch out, there's two guys duking it out in the back of the bar! I duked it out with some guy last night and earned myself a black eye for my troubles.
2. To contend with someone or something for something. In such a big family, my siblings and I always have to duke it out for our parents' attention.
duke it out
Sl. to have a fistfight. John told George to meet him in the alley so they could duke it out.
duke it out
fight it out. North American informal Dukes or dooks are ‘fists’, especially when raised in a fighting position. The word comes from rhyming slang Duke of Yorks, ‘forks’ (i.e. fingers).
duke it out
phr. to have a fistfight. John told George to meet him in the alley so they could duke it out.