The stump of a tree; also, any projection resembling a stump. 残根;残株。 The short, blunt, remaining part of anything. 截余;残喘。 The part of a leaf left in a check book after a check is torn out, serving as a memorandum of the check. (支票的)存根。 Something short and blunt. 任何粗短之物。 The part of an admission ticket torn off and returned to the user. 票根。 To dig up, as roots. 拔;掘(如根)。 To strike (one's foot or toe) against some fixed object. 碰到(脚趾)。 I stubbed my toe against a stone. 我的脚趾撞到了一块石头。 To extinguish (as a cigarette) by crushing. 捻熄(香烟等)。 |