have (one's) druthers
To have one's choice or preference; to have things the way one would like them to be; to have one's way. Usually formulated as "if I had my druthers…." Primarily heard in US. I tell you, if I had my druthers, I'd spend the rest of my life living in Paris. If the president had his druthers, we'd be paying taxes for the privilege of breathing!
have one's rathers
and have one's druthers (More informal with druthers.)to have what one prefers; to have one's way. If I had my rathers, we'd go out every Friday night. I suspect that if Joe had his druthers, he'd be taking Mary to the dance instead of Jill.
have one's druthers
Have one's choice, as in If I had my druthers I'd go to London first. The noun druthers is a contraction of "would rather." [Slang; late 1800s]