词汇 | game |
释义 | game /gem/ game 1 n. Sport or amusement. 游戏;娱乐。 Fun; frolic; jest. 趣味;嬉戏;玩笑 to make game of a poor man 戏弄可怜人。 A contest carried on by rules, success depending upon strength, skill, luck, etc. 竞技;比赛;竞赛 Baseball has been called the American game. 棒球被称为美国(国家)运动。 A single match at play. 一局;一场;一盘 He won four games in the first set at tennis. 他于网球赛第一场中共胜四局。 The number of points to be scored in order to win. 获胜所需之积分。 The equipment for a game. 游戏所用器具。 A scheme, plan, or undertaking, sometimes not creditable. 计谋;策略;计划(有时指诡计)。 I've spoiled your little game. 我已破坏了你的计谋。 The game is up. 计划吹了。 Wild animals, birds, or fish pursued by a hunter or fisherman. (猎取之)野兽;野禽。 Also, their flesh used for food. (渔人捕捉之)鱼类;野味。 Any object of pursuit, ridicule, or attack. (追求、戏弄、攻击之)之目标。 Profession or business. 【口】职业;行业。 phrases game and (set) 【体】(网球)比赛终了。 ahead of the game (a)(比赛)领先。(b)赚钱。 beat (sb) at his own game 与人争长;在某人的专长方面将其击败。 give the game [show] away 【口】揭发诡计;密谋或玩笑等。 have the game in one's hands 稳操胜算;胜利在握。 make game of 开玩笑;嘲笑。 no game 【体】(棒球) 无效比赛。 on [off] one's game 情况好[不好]。 play a good game 赛法高明。 play a poor game 赛法拙劣。 play a waiting game 【口】俟机以待。 play (sb's) game 无意中作有利于某人的事。 play one's own game 采取有利于自己的行动。 play the game 【口】遵守规则比赛;光明正大地做。 The game is up. 形述败露;万事休矣。 The game is worth the candle. 值得一试;合算。 Two can play at that game. 我可以奉陪(表示能够以牙还牙)。 What's sb game? 某人在搞什么把戏? What's sb game? 【口】到底发生了什么事? (过去式: gamed; 过去完成式: gamed; 现在进行式: gaming) v.i. To play at any sport or diversion. 作游戏。 To play for a stake or prize. 赌博。 adj. Pertaining to animals or birds hunted or taken for sport. 猎物的。 Ready; spirited; plucky. 【俚】预备好的;有精神的;勇敢的。 I am game for a walk. 我有兴致去散步。 idoms game ball (a)决胜负的一球。(b)比赛时用的球。 game bird 可猎的鸟。 game fish 可猎的鱼。 game fowl 猎禽;斗鸡。 game law 狩猎法。 game plan 【美】战略;策略。 game point 【体】(网球)积分;得胜分。 game preserve 禁猎区。 game reserve 禁猎区。 game warden 禁猎区监视官。 big game 大猎物。 fair game 合法的猎物(应受攻击或嘲笑的人或机构)。 cf. Game stresses the idea of competition, usu. under a set of rules. Game 强调竞争之意,多指有规则之比赛: a game of tennis 网球比赛。 Play is a general term for action or exercise, of the mind or body, taken for its own sake or for amusement. Play 为一概括性的名词,指身心之动作或运动,其目的可为游戏而游戏或仅为娱乐: The children were at play. 儿童们正在嬉戏。 Our work seemed only play to him. 我们的工作对他而言仅同游戏一般。 Sport is a wider term than game, for it includes the whole range of athletic or outdoor games or pastimes. Sport 较 game 含义更广,包含各种户外运动、游戏或消遣: Tiger hunting is an exciting sport. 猎虎系一种刺激之户外运动。 derivatives adv. gamely. n. gameness. synonyms play, sport. game 2 adj. Lame or crooked. 【俚】跛的;弯曲的。 a game leg 跛足。 |
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