strung out
doped or drugged. (Slang.)Bob acted very strangely—as if he were strung out or something.I've never seen Bob or any of his friends strung out.
high on something
intoxicated with some drug.He got thrown out of the movie because he was high on something.Bill was high on marijuana and was singing loudly.
going high
n. a long-lasting type of drug high.Freddie had a going high and was in trouble.Gert was always after a real going high.
n. a state of euphoria caused by drugs or alcohol.His life is nothing but one high after another.Her only goal is a high.
hold one's high
tr. to behave reasonably well under the influence of drugs.Gert is having a harder and harder time holding her high.Ernie can't hold his high. What a creep!
joy ride
n. a state of euphoria from drug use.This stuff is a real joy ride.Ernie's on a little joy ride right now and can't come to the phone.
rolling buzz
n. a long-lasting drug high.What I want is a nice rolling buzz.That stuff will give you a rolling buzz without putting you to sleep.