Big Ben
1. nickname
the USS Franklin (heavily damaged off Japan on 19th March 1945, repaired and mothballed); the USS Bennington (commissioned in 1944, decommissioned in 1970). The Bennington was featured in the opening scene of the CBS television programme Navy Log in 1956 and 1957 US, 1954
2. noun
ten; ten pounds. Rhyming slang UK, 1960.
the new, large design hundred-dollar note minted in the late 1990s. The 'Ben' is an allusion to Benjamin Franklin, the C18 slang lexicographer whose portrait graces the note US, 1996.
Benzedrine™ (amphetamine sulphate), a central nervous system stimulant US, 1966.
in craps, a roll of ten. Rhyming slang US, 1999.
a prison siren that announces an escape or riot US, 1950.
the penis. A visual pun from the London landmark UK, 2001